Unfortunately, the look and feel eternally young with only an effort of the will by which it is complicated. However, you can take the fist and go to the clinic to enroll in the cosmetology face rejuvenation. what? Yes here at least fractions of laser! Precisely in this article we will explain what is fractional rejuvenation of the face and with what it eat that.

In the title is not in vain that the word "laser". The procedure actually carry out with the help of a laser machine. The procedure of fractional laser skin resurfacing of the face in these appliances will help you to deal with the following toilet of the disability:
- Wrinkles.
- The hyperpigmentation.
- Scars and scars.
- The decrease of the turgor.
- Uneven relief of the skin.
- Discoloration of the person.
- Acne.
How it works fractional rejuvenation of the face
The whole secret of the effectiveness of the fractional skin resurfacing involves a laser effects in the skin. And this secret we not disclose. Laser apparatus has a vaporizer, which divides the beam into a bunch of very thin (thinner than a human hair) microhaces. Microhaces are aligned in a kind of mesh with certain intervals. In the first place, this allows you to process in a uniform manner to the skin, which affects the effectiveness of the repair of the defects. In the second place, because it processes a large area of the skin, which reduces the time fractional laser facial rejuvenation. In the third place, it reduces the power of each microbeam, which prevents the occurrence of an extensive burn. In addition, the rays of the apparatus of this wavelength, which microhaces directly affect the inner layers of the skin, without affecting the horny layer. However, the beam penetrates not more than 1.4 mm, so that the deeper layers and the internal organs are not affected. This, in turn, reduces the period of rehabilitation after the procedures on the device "Fraxel". Fractional rejuvenation of the skin of the face is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient doesn't really feel any discomfort.
Fractional rejuvenation: before and after the procedure
In about two weeks before and after the fractional rejuvenation, it is recommended to perform sessions of biorevitalisation. Before the procedure is to prepare the skin to fractional laser rejuvenation, and after — will help you to recover. And here is the tan before the session is not desirable, so that in about 15 days prior to the session, of having to renounce to the terrace, the beach and the sun. You must also arrange the visit to the doctor, who will perform the laser resurfacing. This is necessary to identify the contraindications and get advice.

After fractional laser facial rejuvenation, the physician will provide general and individual recommendations of care of the skin.
General include:
- The waiver to visit the solarium and the beach, within a month.
- If fractional laser skin resurfacing was performed in the summer months, it is convenient, before heading out to the street to apply on the skin with sunscreen.
- Opt out of the use of cosmetics with active ingredients of the components (for example, fruit acids, retinoids, etc) for the first time.
Mild swelling and redness are the standard of the reaction and, generally, take place during 2-3 days, and therefore not worth worrying about your appearance.
Like most other cosmetic procedures, fractional laser rejuvenation has contraindications to the celebration. These include:
- Pregnancy and breast-feeding.
- Reception of retinoids, as well as its external use.
- The presence of tattoos in the place of processing.
- Infectious diseases in the period of exacerbation.
- The cancer in the past.
- Susceptibility of the skin to the healing.
- Problems with healing of the skin.
- Peel was done less than two weeks ago.